Dream Catchers

The Paintings of Susan Seddon Boulet

1995 Engagement Calendar

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Dream Catchers

Magic, 1991

The Ancient Ones, 1992

Capricorn, 1991

Vision Quest, 1992

Feathered Serpent, 1993

The Owl Spirit, 1993

Aquarius, 1991

Journey Into Raven's Dream, 1993

Evening Star

Fox Maiden, 1986

Pisces, 1991

Gwydion, 1990

Father Sky, 1990

Dream Catcher, 1990

Aries, 1991

The Turquoise Ladder, 1989

The Ancestor of the North, 1983

Jaguar Legend, 1989

Taurus, 1991

Shield of the North, 1991

Dreamworlds, 1990

Star Catcher, 1989

Kokopelli, 1990

Gemini, 1991

Life's Companion, 1991

Cover to Life's Companion: Journal Writing as a Spiritual Quest
by Christina Baldwin

Doorways, 1992

Young Men Shall Have Visions, 1982

Cancer, 1991

Also "Selene" from 1986 ??

The Power of the Lion, 1990

Dreaming the Owl Dream, 1989

Father Fox, 1992

Rites of Passage, 1984

Leo, 1991

Raven Wolf, 1992

Beyond the Sacred Hoop, 1990

Bear Woman, 1986

Virgo, 1991

Nightwatcher, 1991

Healing the Earth, 1990

Storyteller, 1989

Libra, 1991

Moon Shield, 1987

Calling the Allies, 1987

Eagle Woman, 1988

Grandfather Wolf and His Lightning Stick, 1986

Scorpio, 1991

Dream Basket, 1986

Small Household Spirit, 1989

Tiger Lily, 1988

Sagittarius, 1991

Shapeshifter, 1990

I Heard the Owl Call My Name, 1980

Wolf Is Coyote's Brother, 1991

*Magic, 1991

Magic (1991) was the cover image
this is actually 1987's Triple Goddess

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