Animal Spirits

paintings by Susan Seddon Boulet

2000 Deluxe Engagement Book

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Untitled, 1977

Indian Fantasy, 1975

Wolf Spirit

Fox Maiden, 1986

Untitled, 1980

Dancing the Bear Dream, 1987

Untitled (Caribou), 1976

Untitled, 1976

Untitled, 1977

Doves, 1977

Kaltes, 1993

Tiger Eye, 1996

Sea Horses, 1976

Ix Chel, 1986

Untitled, 1979

Untitled (Winged Lion), 1977

Untitled (Medusa/Pegasus), 1993

Untitled (Keeper of the Swans), 1977

Untitled (Diana), 1979

Playing With the North Wind, 1996

Riding the Wind, 1988

Untitled, 1976

Untitled (Cat), 1979

Untitled, 1976

Untitled, 1977


Coyote Woman Waits, 1993

Cat Woman, 1974

Coyote Steals the Fire, 1987

In the Company of Wolves, 1975

Companions, 1979

Untitled, 1979

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